Our work – fibreglass pools
Please see below images of our work regarding fibreglass pool renovations and repairs.
Fibreglass pool renovation project in Kardinya – March 2019.

The pool had previously been painted by another company and the epoxy paint product had deteriorated.
We prepared the pool and resurfaced with a new fibreglass layer and Aquaguard gel coat system.
The water feature was also prepared and resurfaced with fibreglass and finished with a cream coloured top coat.
This pool renovation is finished in Aquaguard’s popular colour: Sapphire Blue.
Fibreglass pool renovation project in Thornlie – February 2019.

The customer wanted a new bench seat, table and Venturi jets installed.
We constructed the bench seats and resurfaced with layers of fibreglass before finishing in Aquaguard Night blue top coat.
The pool had also been previously emptied without bracing so the sides needed to be dug away so that the walls could also be repaired.
Fibreglass pool renovation Mount Barker – February 2019 – before and after

Fibreglass pool renovation – January 2019 – before and after

Fibreglass pool renovation – January 2019 – before and after

Fibreglass pool renovation Lesmurdie – October 2018 – before and after

Fibreglass pool renovation South Hedland – September 2018 – before and after

Fibreglass pool renovation South Hedland – September 2018 – before and after

Fibreglass pool renovation Nickol – September 2018 – before and after

Skimmer box pool renovation South Hedland – August 2018 – before and after