Yes we do. Part of our procedure is bracing every fibreglass pool regardless of how they look. This needs to be done due to many reasons.

  • When the pool is full, the water pushes against the walls of the pool to stop the pressure from the sand on the other side collapsing inwards. Without the water, there is not equal pressure.
  • The original manufacturer of the pool may not have built the pool to quality standards.
  • The Pool may have been installed incorrectly with inadequate pencil compaction or bad soil.
  • Contactors or tradesman over the years may have upset the soil around the pool.
  • Tree roots may have grown against the pool putting pressure on the walls or floor.

Even when the pool is braced in some circumstanses the walls still move and paving can begin to sink. If this happens then the pool must be dug up to remove the pressure. We at Perth Fibreglass Pools are experts at dealing with worst case scenarios like this.